(Note: The origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes every effort within its means to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is FOR YOUR INFORMATION only. Novell makes no explicit or implicit claims to the validity of this information.) Tech Discussion: Multi-Protocol Router v2.0 WAN Links Interoperability Novell Technical DISCUSSION TITLE: NetWare WAN Links 2.0 Interoperability DOCUMENT ID#: TD.S.006 DATE: April 28, 1993 PRODUCT: WAN Links PRODUCT VERSION: 2.0 SUPERSEDES: NA This document describes: - How to configure NetWare WAN Links 2.0 and various third party routers. - AppleTalk, IP, and IPX routing using synchronous Point to Point (PPP) connections only. NOTE: - LAN configurations are given for the purpose of routing from a WAN to a LAN. - If a protocol is not listed for a LAN configuration it does not mean there is an interoperability problem in a LAN only environment. - There are no known LAN only incompatibilities with any listed third party router other than relative to feature sets (i.e. OSPF, IGRP etc.). FUTURE TESTING Additional protocol suites will be tested by Novell for routers that support them, and other WAN technologies will also be tested (i.e. X.25). This document will be updated periodically as such tests are completed. VENDOR SUPPORT Contact your router vendor for support of the IPXWAN specification. Many vendors (such as Wellfleet) have made a strong commitment to implementing this standard and new software might be available. IPXWAN IPXWAN (RFC 1362) describes the IPX WAN protocol Novell uses to exchange necessary router to router information prior to exchanging standard IPX routing information and traffic over WAN datalinks. Routers which do not follow the IPXWAN specification are not shown below as providing an IPX connection across a WAN. IPXWAN is available in NOVLIB Library 9 as IPXWAN.TXT. PTF 374 PTF 374 (PTF374.ZIP) is the current "Maintenance PTF" for WAN Links V2.0. It can be downloaded from Compuserve NOVLIB Library 9. PTF 374 is recommended for all WAN Links installations and, as described below, is required for some. PROTOCOLS IPX IP AT (AppleTalk) BASIC CONFIGURATIONS The examples shown below are for basic configurations. FURTHER CONFIGURATION INFORMATION See documentation from the individual router manufacturers for further configuration information for their routers. SAMPLE ROUTER WAN CONFIGURATIONS 3COM Netbuilder I Software Release: SW/NB2M-BR-5.1,6.0 PROMS: MCPU20- N3 MMON rev. 0I Interfaces: Ethernet, WAN Protocols Tested: IP, AppleTalk (IPX not represented because 3COM does not implement IPXWAN). PPP configuration: Path Control MRU 1 Disable 1524 (Your Path will differ) 2 Disable 1524 (Your Path will differ) 3 Enable 1524 (Your Path will differ) 4 Enable 1524 (Your Path will differ) IP Configuration - IP Global Configuration - CONTrol = (ROute,NoRelaySrcRoute,NoSplit,NoFiltering) ICMPReply = (NoInfo,NoMask) DefaultTTL = 30 ReassemblyTime = 15 Security Level =Unclassified Security Authority = GENSER Unclassified Security Send = Off - IP FIlters Configuration - None - IP FlteAddrs Configuration - None - IP Group Addresses - IP Network Group Address Address Format None - ARP Global Configuration - OverBlocked = OFF - ARP Configuration on Port !1 - CONTrol = (NoProxy,Standard) HoldTime = 24 hours RequestFormat = Ethernet NOTE: This is an ethernet LAN port - ARP Configuration on Port !3 - CONTrol = (NoProxy,Standard) HoldTime = 24 hours RequestFormat = Ethernet NOTE: This is a PPP PORT - Current RIPIP Configuration on Port !1 ( - CONTrol = (TAlk,Listen,Poison,TRigger) UpdateTime = 30 DefaultMetric = 0 Neighbor = All TrustedNeighbor = All ExteriorPolicy = None InteriorPolicy = None NetworkPolicy = All 0 ReceivePolicy = All 0 StaticPolicy = None NOTE: This is an ethernet LAN port - Current RIPIP configuration on Port !3 ( ) - CONTrol = (TAlk,Listen,Poison,TRigger) UpdateTime = 30 DefaultMetric = 0 Neighbor = All TrustedNeighbor = All ExteriorPolicy = None InteriorPolicy = None NetworkPolicy = All 0 ReceivePolicy = All 0 StaticPolicy = None NOTE: This is a PPP PORT APPLETALK CONFIGURATION Set the 3COM option for control to non-Appletalk router. NOTE: Only 3COM software 6.0 or greater is compatible with MPR WAN Links Appletalk. Setup On NetWare WAN Links v2.0 Use the INETCFG utility on the server/router to change the Data Encoding for the port connected to the 3COM Netbuilder to NRZ (Non Return to Zero). 1. To change select the Synchronous/+ board via the LAN and WAN Board Parameters menu. 2. Highlight "Expert Port Configuration" and press return. 3. Select the appropriate port and press return. 4. Find "Data Encoding" and change to "NRZ". 5. DO NOT enable LCP Echo Request. 6. Press "ESC" three times 7. Answer "YES" to save changes. See the MPR Supervisor's guide for IP and AT configuration information. Router: Advanced Computer Communications (ACC) Series 4000 Software Release: NA Interfaces: Ethernet, WAN Protocols Tested: IP IPX not represented because ACC does not implement IPXWAN Currently being tested with AppleTalk. The settings described pertain only to IP routing over a LAN and WAN (PPP). From the ACC command prompt: 1. Set Physical Port Protocol j2 (note: put your interface here) 2. PPP set bridge port status 2 disabled (note: you must disable bridging to the NetWare WAN Links Ports) 3. Add IP network entry (enter IP address) j2 To use the IP RIP protocol: 1. Set RIP protocol on add RIP neighbor entry (IP address of the NetWare WAN Links Port this router is connected to) 2. Reset (this makes the commands take effect) Setup On NetWare WAN Links v2.0 Use the INETCFG utility on the server/router to change the Data Encoding for the port connected to the ACC to NRZ (Non Return to Zero). 1. Select the Synchronous/+ board via the LAN and WAN Board Parameters menu. 2. Highlight "Expert Port Configuration" and press return. Select the appropriate port and press return. 3. Find "Data Encoding" and change to "NRZ". 4. Press "ESC" three times 5. Answer "YES" to save changes. Refer to the MPR Supervisor's guide for IP configuration information. Router: Cisco AGS+ Software release: v8.2, 9.1.2 Interfaces: Ethernet, WAN WANProtocols tested: IP IPX is not represented because Cisco does not implement IPXWAN. Appletalk is not represented because CISCO does not transport AT over PPP. The settings for Cisco AGS+ pertain only to IP routing over a LAN and WAN (PPP). From the CISCO AGS+ configuration prompt: Type "Setup" Answer the following questions in this way: Configure IP: YES Configure IGRP Routing: NO Configure RIP Routing: YES Configuring interface Ethernet 0 NOTE: this could be token ring or different interface number Is this interface in use: YES Configure IP on this interface: YES IP address for this interface: (Enter IP Address) Number of bits in subnet field: (Depends on subnet mask) Configuring Interface Serial 0 (Sync) Is this interface in use: YES Configure IP on this interface: YES IP address for this interface: (Enter IP Address) Number of bits in subnet field: (Depends on subnet mask) Setup On NetWare WAN Links v2.0 Use the INETCFG utility on the server/router to change the Data Encoding for the port connected to the Cisco to NRZ (Non Return to Zero). 1. Select the Synchronous/+ board via the LAN and WAN Board Parameters menu. 2. Highlight "Expert Port Configuration" and press return. 3. Select the appropriate port and press return. 4. Find "Data Encoding" and change to "NRZ". 5. Press "ESC" three times 6. Answer "YES" to save changes. See the MPR Supervisor's guide for IP configuration information. Router: Hewlett Packard 27286a Software release: v5.74.05 Interfaces: Ethernet, WAN Protocols tested: IP IPX not represented because HP does not implement IPXWAN Appletalk is not represented because HP does not do unnumbered links over PPP. PTF374 is required for compatibility. The settings described pertain only to IP routing over a LAN and WAN (PPP). From the Hewlett Packard Main Menu Select Option 3: Configuration Editor Once in Configuration Select Option 2: Software (Configure the software module(s) to be routed.) Select Option 4: Circuits (Configure the Sync Circuit connected to the MPR WAN Links in the way described below.) * Sync Circuits* Circuit Name: (Enter circuit name) Auto Enable: YES Quality of service: LLC 1 (datagram) Circuit Type: Point to Point (PPP) LQM Time (secs): 0 Echo Request Time (secs): 0 Desired Link Quality: 99 (default) Min Frame Spacing: 2 Extended (32-bit) CRC: No Max Packet Size: 4500 IP Address: (IP Address of circuit being configured) LCP-Active Open: Yes LCP Auto Restart: Yes Use UPAP: No THEN From the Configuration Menu: Select Option 7. DoD Internet Router Configure as follows: Auto Enable: Yes Global Broadcast: Yes RIP Network Diameter: 15 Mode: Router/Host Management Priority: Low Non Local Arp Source: Drop Suppress Authentication Traps: No From the DoD Internet Router Configuration Menu Select Option 2: Network Interface Definitions Configure as follows: Synch Circuits Internet Address: (IP Address of port being configured) Subnet Mask: (Enter subnet mask) Receive Broadcast: Network and Subnet Circuit Group: (Enter Circuit Group, Circuit belongs to) Transmit Broadcast: All ones Address Resolution: None RIP Supply: Yes Normal ARP: NO RIP Listen: Yes Proxy Arp: No Default Route Supply: No Host Cache: No Default Route Listen: No UDP Checksum Off: No Poisoned Reversed/Split Horizon: Split RIP Interface cost: 1 Address Mask Reply: No ASB Flood: No MTU Discovery Option: Yes Source Route (TokenRing): No Load Balancing: No LAN Circuits LAN interfaces can be configured as the same as mentioned above, with the exception of the following: Address Resolution: Yes Normal ARP: Yes From the DoD Internet Router Configuration Menu Select Option 3: Static Routes (A static route must be configured to route IP over PPP.) Configure as follows: Internet Address: (IP address of MPR WAN Links) Type: Adjacent Host LAN Address: (Leave Blank) Subnet Mask: (Enter subnet mask) Encapsulation: Ethernet Setup On NetWare WAN Links v2.0 Use the INETCFG utility on the server/router to change the Data Encoding for the port connected to the HP to NRZ (Non Return to Zero) 1. Select the Synchronous/+ board via the LAN and WAN Board Parameters menu. 2. Highlight "Expert Port Configuration" and press return. 3. Select the appropriate port and press return. 4. Find "Data Encoding" and change to "NRZ". 5. Press "ESC" three times 6. Answer "YES" to save the changes. See the MPR Supervisor's guide for IP configuration information. Router: IBM 6611 Software release: NA Protocols Tested: IP IPX not represented because IBM does not implement IPXWAN. Appletalk not represented because IBM does not support Appletalk. Interfaces: Ethernet, WAN The settings described below for IBM 6611 pertain only to IP routing over a LAN and WAN (PPP). From the MPNP Configuration Program V1 R1.0 For WAN Configuration: 1. Select a slot port and double click on the number. 2. Select "Add" and select "Serial" 3. Two Serial Ports will appear in the slot. Double click on the serial port the MPR will be connected to and select "PPP" Set the Physical Interface parameters as described below: Enable Interface: selected ("selection button" in the down position) Cylink serial number: Leave Blank unless using a Cylink CSU/DSU Data Encoding: Select "NRZI" Serial Line Speed: Enter the clock rate provided by the CSU or the device supplying clock to the 6611 and MPR. Locally administered MAC address: Leave blank. Only valid for IPX or XNS routing. Set PPP Parameters as described below: Enable Point to Point Protocol (PPP) on this Port: selected Maximum receive unit (octects) 1500 Enable link quality monitoring: disabled (not selected) NOTE: Link quality monitoring should never be enabled. Set IP Parameters: Enable IP Routing On This Port: selected IP address: Subnet Mask: Destination IP address: Enter the IP address of the MPR WAN Links Port this Port is connected to. Maximum transfer unit (bytes): 1500 * For LAN Configuration: * Select a slot port and double click on the number Select "Add" and double click on "Ethernet" One ethernet port will be available in that slot Select the ethernet port Set the Physical Interface Parameters as described below: Universally administered address: selected Locally administered address: disabled (not selected) Enable additional multicast addresses: disabled Note: These parameters may be changed to meet your networks needs. Set the IP parameters as described below: Enable IP Routing On This Port: selected IP address: Subnet mask: Maximum transmission unti (bytes): 1492 Ethernet frame: Both NetWare WAN Links v2.0 setup The default values for PPP will work with the IBM 6611 configuration described above. Refer to the MPR Supervisor's guide for IP configuration information. Router: Network Application Technology (NAT) IP Router Software release: NA Interfaces: Ethernet, WAN Protocols tested: IP IPX not represented because NAT does not implement IPXWAN. NAT does not support AppleTalk. PTF374 is required for compatibility. The settings described for the NAT IP Router pertain only to IP routing over a LAN and WAN (PPP). From the configuration menu of the NAT IP Router: Setup as follows: 1. IP address for ethernet port = (Enter IP address) IP address for serial port = (Enter IP address) 2. Subnet mask for ethernet port = (Enter subnet mask) Subnet mask for serial port = (Enter subnet mask) 3. Broadcast IP address for ethernet interface = Broadcast IP address for serial interface = 4. Ethernet Helper IP address = Serial Helper IP address = 5. Proxy Arp Active [y/n]? yes 6. ICMP services for ethernet port Active [y/n]? no ICMP services for serial port Active [y/n]? no 7. Activate bridging function [y/n]? no 8. Deny public the READ access to standard MIB variables [y/n]? no 9. SNMP & Access Host Table Management 10. RIP INPUT Control Table Management 11. RIP OUTPUT Control Table Management 12. Static Route Table Management 13. Packet Filtering Management 14. Erase configuration data in the non-volatile RAM 15. Save configuration data in the non-volatile RAM 16. System Reset 17. Change Password Setup On NetWare WAN Links v2.0 Use the INETCFG utility on the server/router to change the Data Encoding for the port connected to the NAT to NRZ (Non Return to Zero). 1. Select the Synchronous/+ board via the LAN and WAN Board Parameters menu. 2. Highlight "Expert Port Configuration" and press return. 3. Select the appropriate port and press return. 4. Find "Data Encoding" and change to "NRZ". 5. Press "ESC" three times 6. Answer "YES" to save changes. Refer to the MPR Supervisor's guide for IP configuration information. Router: Proteon DNX 300n Software Release: NA Interfaces: Ethernet, WAN Protocols Tested: IP IPX not represented because Proteon does not implement IPXWAN. Appletalk is currently being tested. The settings described for Proteon DNX 300n pertain only to IP routing over a LAN and WAN (PPP). WAN Configuration Set the Proteon PPP configuration as follows: LCP Parameters Config Request Tries: 20 Config Nak Tries: 10 Terminate Tries: 10 Retry Timer: 3000 LCP Options Max Receive Unit: 1500 Magic Number: Yes IPCP Parameters Config Request Tries: 20 Config Nak Tries: 10 Terminate Tries: 10 Retry Timer: 3000 IPCP Options Compression: None IP Address: Don't Send or Request LAN Configuration Connector type: AUTO-CONFIG (This is for ethernet) LAN and WAN Configurations Set the IP configuration parameters as follows (both LAN and WAN): BOOTP forwarding: disabled Directed broadcasts: enabled ARP Subnet routing: disabled RFC925 routing: disabled OSPF: disabled RIP: enabled Originate default off Per-interface address flags: intf 0 (IP address) Send net, subnet, static and default routes Override default and static routes intf 1 (IP address) Send net, subnet, static and default routes Override default and static routes Accept RIP updates always for: [NONE] EGP: disabled Setup On NetWare WAN Links v2.0 Use the INETCFG utility on the server/router to change the Data Encoding for the port connected to the Proteon to NRZ (Non Return to Zero). 1. Select the Synchronous/+ board via the LAN and WAN Board Parameters menu. 2. Highlight "Expert Port Configuration" and press return. 3. Select the appropriate port and press return. 4. Find "Data Encoding" and change to "NRZ". 5. Press "ESC" three times 6. Answer "YES" to save changes. See the MPR Supervisor's guide for IP configuration information. Router: Telebit NetBlazer ST, 40 Software release: 2.0 Interfaces: Ethernet, WAN Protocols tested: IP, IPX Appletalk currently being tested. The settings described for Telebit NetBlazer ST, 40 pertain only to IP and IPX routing over a LAN and WAN (PPP). IPX configuration From the configuration Menu of the Telebit NetBlazer setup as follows: SYNCHRONOUS SETUP NOTE: When the NetBlazer is turned on it automatically creates a synchronous interface named syn0. This document assumes that syntax. configure interface attach syn0 PPP syn0 1500 configure PPP active syn0 configure PPP timeout syn0 3 configure PPP option syn0 ipxcp compress off configure PPP option syn0 ipxcp net off configure PPP option syn0 ipxcp node off IPX Setup (General) *For both LAN And WAN configure ipx internal-net IPX Setup (WAN) configure ipx add syn0 configure ipx WAN add syn0 configure ipx address syn0 configure ipx RIP add syn0 1 configure ipx sap add syn0 1 IPX Setup (LAN) NOTE: En0 refers to an ethernet interface on the NetBlazer. The name you use might be different. configure ipx add en0 configure ipx address en0 configure ipx frames en0 configure IP netmask IP Setup (WAN) configure IP address (enter IP address) syn0 configure IP route add (enter IP network address)/# syn0 (for static routes) configure IP RIP add (enter the IP address of the MPR WAN Links router) 30 1 (for RIP networks) IP Setup (LAN) configure IP address en0 configure IP route add /# en0 (for static routes) configure IP RIP add (for RIP networks) Setup On NetWare WAN Links v2.0 Use the INETCFG utility on the server/router to change the Data Encoding for the port connected to the Telebit to NRZ (Non Return to Zero). 1. Select the Synchronous/+ board via the LAN and WAN Board Parameters menu. 2. Highlight "Expert Port Configuration" and press return. 3. Select the appropriate port and press return. 4. Find "Data Encoding" and change to "NRZ". 5. Press "ESC" three times 6. Answer "YES" to save changes. Refer to the MPR Supervisor's guide for IP and/or IPX configuration information. Router: Wellfleet 2005, AFN (Access Feeder Node) Software release: v5.75 Interfaces: Ethernet, WAN Protocols tested: IP IPX not represented because Wellfleet does not implement IPXWAN. Appletalk not represented because Wellfleet does not do unnumbered links over PPP. PTF374 is required for compatibility. The settings described for Wellfleet 2005 pertain only to IP routing over a LAN and WAN (PPP). From the Wellfleet Main Menu Select Option 3: Configuration Editor Once in Configuration - Select Option 2: Software (Configure the software module{s} to be routed.) - Select Option 4: Circuits (Configure the Sync Circuit connected to the MPR WAN Links in the way described below.) Synch Circuits Circuit Name: (Enter circuit name) Auto Enable: YES Quality of service: LLC 1 (datagram) Circuit Type: Point to Point (PPP) LQM Time (secs): 0 Echo Request Time (secs): 0 Desired Link Quality: 99 (default) Min Frame Spacing: 2 Extended (32-bit) CRC: No Max Packet Size: 4500 IP Address: (IP Address of circuit being configured) LCP-Active Open: Yes LCP Auto Restart: Yes Use UPAP: No LAN Circuits Circuit Name: (Enter circuit name) Auto Enable: YES Quality of Service: LLC 1 (datagram) Circuit Type: LAN LAN Address: (Hardware Address of Circuit) Leaving this option blank will accept default address specified by Wellfleet. XCVR Signal Polling: Active Then from the Configuration Menu Select Option 7. DoD Internet Router Configure as follows: Auto Enable: Yes Global Broadcast: Yes RIP Network Diameter: 15 Mode: Router/Host Management Priority: Low Non Local Arp Source: Drop Bootp Gateway Support: No Bootp Gateway Auto Enable: No Bootp Gateway Max Hops: 0 Suppress Authentication Traps: No From the DoD Internet Router Configuration Menu Select Option 2: Network Interface Definitions Configure as follows:- SYNCH CIRCUITS Internet Address: (IP Address of port being configured) Subnet Mask: (Enter subnet mask) NOTE: Wellfleet requires decimal notation. Receive Broadcast: Network and Subnet Circuit Group: (Enter Circuit Group, Circuit belongs to) Transmit Broadcast: All ones Address Resolution: None RIP Supply: Yes Normal ARP: NO RIP Listen: Yes Proxy Arp: No Default Route Supply: No Host Cache: No Default Route Listen: No UDP Checksum Off: No Poisoned Reversed/Split Horizon: Split RIP Interface cost: 1 Address Mask Reply: No ASB Flood: No MTU Discovery Option: Yes Source Route (TokenRing): No Load Balancing: No Bootp Packet Reception: No Bootp Packet Transmission: No LAN Circuits LAN interfaces can be configured as the same as mentioned above, with the exception of the following: Address Resolution: Yes Normal ARP: Yes From the DoD Internet Router Configuration Menu Select Option 3: Static Routes (A static route must be configured to route IP over PPP.) Configure as follows: Internet Address: (IP address of MPR WAN Links) Type: Adjacent Host LAN Address: (Leave Blank) Subnet Mask: (Enter subnet mask) Encapsulation: Ethernet Setup On NetWare WAN Links v2.0 Use the INETCFG utility on the server/router to change the Data Encoding for the port connected to the Wellfleet to NRZ (Non Return to Zero). 1. Select the Synchronous/+ board via the LAN and WAN Board Parameters menu. 2. Highlight "Expert Port Configuration" and press return. 3. Select the appropriate port and press return. 4. Find "Data Encoding" and change to "NRZ". 5. Press "ESC" three times 6. Answer "YES" to save changes. Refer to the MPR Supervisor's guide for IP configuration information.